Tag Archives: TedX


Too good to be true?

I was so fascinated by this video (at first)! Just imagine, such brain imaging that can show what is really wrong with the brain structure of individuals. As someone who has done some reading on ADHD, learning disorders, crime, and someone who is really interested in what shapes people to act they way they do, this seems really ground-breaking!  Someone claiming to have the solutions to some serious diseases, and somehow I have not heard of it?? Unfortunately, as it often is in science, when something appears too good to be true, it most probably is not true. Then I looked into some of the comments, which were forwarding to links where this speaker was exposed as been a quack, his theories not really justified, and going on about him building up this multi-million empire… Well, my fascination rapidly transformed into a morbid disappointment. Perhaps we do not have many solutions yet!

Then again, Ted’s credibility really dropped in my eyes. I was regularly checking up on some of their videos. I do not want to be checking up on each an individual speaker as well


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Posted by on April 12, 2014 in Brain scans, Psychology, Science


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